Saturday 28 April 2012

What are warts?

Warts are non-cancerous skin growths caused by a viral infection in the top layer of the skin or mucous

membranes. Viruses that cause warts belong to a "family" called human papillomavirus (HPV). The

appearance of a wart depends on where it is growing. Warts are usually skin colored and feel rough to

the touch, but can be dark, flat or smooth.

There are several different types of warts. The first one I am going to tell you about is called common warts. Common warts grows around the nails, on the fingers and on the backs of the hands. They are more

common where skin has been broken, for example where fingernails are bitten or hangnails picked.

The second type of warts are foot warts. Foot warts are usually on the sole of the feet and they are called plantar warts. When plantar warts grow in clusters they are known as mosaic warts. Most plantar warts do not stick up because the pressure of walking flattens them and pushes them back into the skin. These warts often have black dots that are actually blood vessels.

The third type of warts are called flat warts. Flat warts are smaller and smoother than other types of warts. They tend to grown in great numbers. They can grow from twenty to one hunder at any one time.They can occur anywhere, but in children they are most common on the face. In adults they are often found in the beard area in men and on the legs in women. Irritation from shaving probably accounts for this.

Many people can get warts and not even know they are there. It just depends on what kind of warts you come in contact with. Some warts can be painful and even cause burning just depending on where they are located at on your body.

Warts probably are passed from person to person, sometimes indirectly. The time between the first contact and

the time that the warts can be seen is often several months. The risk of catching hand, foot and flat warts is

small. Wearing shower thongs, taking proper care of hands and feet can limit the spread of warts. Genital

warts seem to be more contagious. It is important to use precautions to limit the spread of genital warts.

Some people will get parts and some will not get them. It just depends on how they come in contact with them. If you do come in contact with warts heres how you can get rid of them. Warts often disappear without treatment over a period of several months to years. However, since warts can be spread to others or new areas of the body, it is reasonable to treat most people, especially if the warts are bothersome or painful.

Some people will get them burned off with aicd or being froze off it. These methods both can be painful but it works.There are some wart remedies available without a prescription. However, you might mistake another kind of

skin growth for a wart, and end up treating something serious as though it were a wart. If you have any

questions about either the diagnosis or the correct way to treat a wart, you should seek medical advice.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Description Of Warts

Warts Appear as raised,rough-textured,grayish growths that will vary in different sizes from a pinhead to large masses, Warts are viral infections that will usually appear on the skin,but they can also appear on the genitals or in the rectum,urethra,your bladder,or even on your mouth.When you see a wart start showing on your skin,the virus usually will enter through a cut,crack,or a scratch and incubates a few months before erupting into a wart.

Most of these warts will go away on their own without any treatment however,warts that will appear on the genitals,around your fingernails,or on the palms or soles of your feet are particularly long-lasting and can be difficult to treat.In your children's case,warts will usually last a few months to a year,in adults,they commonly will last months to even years. Many people may never completely get rid of the warts and can be bothered by many recurrences throughout your life. The most common skin warts are the most prevalent type.

They may start to grow large and then generally erupt on your hands and fingers,though they may also show up anywhere on your skin.Warts that appear on the soles of your feet,that are called plantar warts,grow inward rather than outward.The common warts are mildly contagious and are often spread on the same person by picking,scratching,shaving,or biting your own nails.They also can be passed on to others through direct contact.Genital warts are often passed between sexual partners.

Before you call your doctor Duo-film,which is an over-the-counter plaster,can be fairly effective of getting rid of your warts. Make sure that you follow the directions on the package exactly how it tells you.The immune system also will fight wart viruses,so anything that you can do to stay healthy will help tremendously. In addition,the medicinal herb echinacea is an immune stimulant.

Studies have shown that when you take this orally,it will help fight the viral infections by stimulating the release of intereron,your body's own virus fighting chemical.Echinacea teas,pills,and tinctures which are most commonly known as alcohol preparations are available at health or food stores in your area.

When you do decide to call your doctor physicians will treat your warts most likely by freezing,("cryotherapy"), burning ("cauterization"), chemicals,and scalpel or laser surgery.Freezing surgery will leave a scar,but the freezing method to get rid of your warts actually causes the least amount of scarring.

Saturday 21 April 2012

The Difference Between A Wart And A Mole

Although warts and moles may appear to be the same they are not related conditions. They are thought to be because the often look alike. Warts are defined as small areas of a long

standing viral infection. Moles are described as areas of the skin that are heavily pigmented

with melanin,the substance that is responsible for general skin coloring.

Warts will vary in their appearance. Warts are not dangerous but can most definitely become a nuisance. A mole that you have from birth may eventually develop into a malignant melanoma. If this occurs it should be removed by a physician immediately. Some types of warts are as follows.We all probally know about a common wart. These will appear on your hands or feet.

The typical common wart is a hard lump that has a roughened ,cauliflower-like surface. Moles can appear anywhere on the body. They are small,roughly circular areas of skin that are much darker than the surrounding skin.The larger moles may have course hairs growing out of them. Some moles are present from birth.In some people a few have developed during their childhood. Look for different changes in your childrens skin to make sure that you always know that they do not need medical attention of any sorts.

There is also a wart that may be mistaken for a mole that is called molluscum contagiosum. These are tiny pale lumps that are filled with cheesy material. These can be confusing because they are not true warts but they are just like warts. these appear in groups that are usually in children,especially children who have eczema.The appearance of a mole is a dark patch that constitutes a mole. A mole may be flat or raised above the surrounding skin.There is also a sebaceous cysts. These cysts are sometimes mistaken for warts.

A sebaceous cyst typically will appear as a soft,smooth,yellowish lump just under the surface of the skin. Sometimes a tiny dark dot can be seen in the skin over the center of the cyst. Your scalp is the most common site for these harmless growths.Most warts will disappear on their own within a few months but sometimes in rare cases it may be several years. If you are concerned about any spots that have come up on your skin then please do not ever hesitate talking with your doctors about these concerns.

If you have warts that you may think are unsightly or annoying go to a dermatologist who can recommend a treatment that is right for your situation. In older people ,what looks like a wart may be a more serious skin condition such as a type of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, So if you are a person who knows a elderly person that might see this as a wart please get it checked out immediately. It could make a great deal of difference in their health.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Recognizing Different Types Of Warts

There are many myths and truths about warts. I remember like most of you as a child to not

dare pick up a frog or you will get warts. I really don't know who came up with that theory. The truth is frogs have nothing to do with warts. To be perfectly honest most warts are really painless. They can be referred to as a lump that is noncancerous.Most of us have a immune system to the warts and usually can't get them.

Some people however can be susceptible however they usually won't last long and they will soon disappear. For those that might be susceptible to them I will go over the different types of warts and how to treat the type you

may have. The first type is what we call the most common ones. These warts will have show up on your skin usually on a rough raised surface that can appear anywhere on your body but most of the time they can be found on the top part of your hand.

Another type of wart is called a flat wart. Unlike the common wart that makes your skin feel rough this type will make your skin feel smooth and is a very small type of wart that that can appear in a cluster form and will mostly develop on a part of your hands, legs,and mostly will appear on your face.These warts are usually so small that you may not notice them.

There is also a wart known as the plantar wart. This type of wart can feel like a callus and will show up on the bottom part of your foot.If you have had a callus you know how painful that can be when you put pressure on it. This type of wart can be painful similar to what a callus will feel like when putting pressure on the foot. A fourth type is a wart known as the filiform.This type of wart will show up around your face area such as your eyelids and even your neck.

These warts are very small but also can be a very long shaped wart.One more I want to mention is for

the woman reading this. The wart called genital warts.These are another smaller type of wart that will be very uncomfortable and will appear on your genital area and can also show up on your anus area.I know these

warts are very bothersome but there is some self-care options that might help.

If you have a wart that is not very noticeable and is taking longer then you want to go away you can just use a medicine you can buy over the counter. You can find these over the counter medicines in a liquid form or even a pad. When you start to use this medicine put this medicine on the top part of your wart and also put some of the medicine on the side of the wart.

Make sure you do not put this medicine on directly on the skin that is around the wart you are treating.Look on the directions to see how long it will take to work. If that time has past and the warts are still there it is recommended that you see a physician.

He may can prescribe you a prescription medicine that will work better or may even remove it from

you. Whatever kind of wart you may have make sure you do try to treat it before it can get infected. They can be annoying but also can be treated without going through a lot.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Things you should know about genital warts.

Genital warts are usually found around or on the penis or vagina. They are pink or red growths found around the genital areas. They can be spread to other parts of the body as well as other people by contact with the infected places. Genital warts vary in size from barely noticeable to the size of large pimples. They often appear in groups of three or four and may grow and spread rapidly. Sometimes mild pain, itching, and bleeding can occur.

Genital warts are caused by a virus that is called HPV. This is also know as Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is a sexually transmitted disease. If you find out that you have HPV do not be too upset. Over half of middle-aged America has some evidence of being infected. In most cases genital warts will go away on their own, but as there is no cure for HPV they could come back. Usually people that are infected wait to see if they spread or go away on their own. If they spread then there are many treatments options to get rid of genital warts.

As long as genital warts are present you should not have sex. If you do you should always wear a codom. Warts can easily be passed on when they are present. They are consider contagious when they are present. Some warts can be passed on even if you wear a condom. You are taking a risk either way. You just want to take every step there is to take when having safe sex and portecting the person you are with, because you do not want to give something to anyone.

Certain types of HPV are known to cause cervical cancer, anal cancer, vulvular cancer, and cancer of the penis. Though rare, if you are a woman then a simple Pap test will detect any abnormal cervical cells. If you believe or know that you have genital warts it’s a good idea to see your doctor for regular checkups so any abnormal growths can be treated early.

There are a few ways to get rid of them depending on how you want to go about doing so. Regardless of which method you choose, you MUST see your doctor first. Ask your doctor to prescribe you a topical medication to take home so you don’t have to feel awkward having a stranger perform the application.

These are the different types of ways to get rid of warts. There is cryothreapy, it is where they are frozen off. Then you have electrocautery. This is where they are burned off with electricity. Then there is laser surgery. This is where they are burned off with a high-intensity laser. And finally we have surgical excision. This is where they are cut out. These all can be very painful. They will give you something for the pain. All of these procedures can leave scars, and may be very painful depending on the warts location so choose carefully.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Getting Rid Of Warts For Good-Learn More Now

Aloe gel can be used due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Smoothing the gel over the warts is thought to help with removal of them. Astragalus can be taken in either capsule or tincture form and is more for strengthening the immune system to help keep warts at bay if you are inured to them.

Black walnut is a popular remedy for treatment of warts in the throat and entrance.

Bloodroot is found in either a tincture or paste and when applied topically is thought to irritate the skin tissue which since leads to removal of warts and skin tags. Comfrey is used to support removal of warts and can be found in either cream or infusion. There are also a quantity of essential oils which are thought to help with wart removal, a combination of oils has been put together into a preparation called 'warts no more' and can be purchased at the drug home cooking or pharmacy.

There are also various 'old fashioned' remedies that are homeopathic in nature and which can easily be combined to help get rid of warts. Apple cider vinegar is thought to useful when it comes to getting rid of warts. Soaking cotton wool in the vinegar and holding it now the wart with a band - aid is said to remove a wart within a week. Elderberry in liquid form has also been used as a cure for getting rid of warts. 700 mg of elderberry in water 3 times per life span for 6 to 8 weeks is said to shrivel the wart and make it drop off.

Dandelion milk taken from the broken stem or leaf of the common dandelion and spread over the wart then cover with a band - aid and within a week the wart will drop off. Garlic juice applied to the wart twice a day will help the wart to shrivel and fall off in roughly two weeks. When using any homeopathic remedies care should be taken to get the dosage correct if you do wish to undertake a home remedy or herbal remedy; hence, it might be worthwhile seeking the advice of your doctor beforehand.

Warts can occur on the fingers, hands, feet, around the mouth and of course on the genitals and can appear as single bumps or in clusters which resemble a cauliflower. The wart is a virus known since the Human papilloma virus of which there are over 100 different types.

Finding a treatment that works is what is so important for everyone. Studying the different types of warts is important if you want to make sure that you get rid of them ugly things once and for all. Once you begin seeing them disappear you are going to know quickly that you chose the best type of treatment for your warts.

Treating warts is not that difficult but doing it in time is also important. If you are unsure of which type of wart you have then make sure that you do some research about the different types of warts so that you can better understand them.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Genital Warts-Truths About This Disease

Genital warts are not one thing that you just want to have. They are a severe sexually transmitted illness that's onerous to deal with. The human papilloma virus in any other case often known as HPV causes this disease. This virus appears to be like like bumps that resemble warts.

These bumps are annoying and will cause you discomfort. Because of this it's so important to have it taken care of proper away.

Genital warts appear like little bumps that form across the penis or in and on the vagina, the cervix and the anus. This virus is passed when folks interact in all forms of sexual conduct. It's important for individuals to know that these aren't the same warts which are discovered on the hands and feet.

These shouldn't be handled with the identical sorts of treatment. You'll must get special treatment and the suitable medicine to deal with this disease. There are some people who have this disease is not going to know they have it. They might not have any of the indicators of the disease. They may have painless warts on their sex organs. These warts can be completely different in measurement and might be easy or bumpy.

There are special procedures and exams that must be performed to determine the wart virus.

Many individuals that have the wart virus on their sexual organs are very contagious. Only some people develop warts that can be seen. It's passed when skin touches skin during sexual conduct. The wart virus is quite common in adults who're sexually lively and don't carry out protected sex.

When someone has genital warts, they might want to get medical treatment and get the right care in order that they don't spread this illness to any of their partners.

When you do not need any medical coverage, there are free clinic that will give you the help that you are in search of with the genital warts. You'll get medication and even some advice that will help you control this nuisance.In case you do get medical treatment as quickly as you see any indicators or symptoms of genital warts, you'll discover you could keep it quiet and simple.

You wouldn't have to be embarrassed about having them. Anyone can get genital warts. There are men and women of all ages that get genital warts. It is a quite common disease that is unfortunately rising in an increasing number of younger individuals because they aren't practising safe sex.

In the event you wouldn't have any medical coverage, there are free clinic that gives you the assistance that you are on the lookout for with the genital warts. You will get medicine and even some advice that can assist you management this nuisance.If you happen to do get medical remedy as quickly as you see any signs or signs of genital warts, you will find that you would be able to keep it quiet and simple. You shouldn't have to be embarrassed about having them.

In reality, there are more individuals than ever being identified with this unwanted disease. You can find that you'll really feel much better once you get assist and get the problem beneath control. Should you do not have any medical coverage, there are free clinic that provides you with the help that you are on the lookout for with the genital warts. You'll get medication and even some recommendation that will help you control this nuisance.